Fundacja Bezpestkowe - all about the MRKH syndrome
Place: Faculty of Health Sciences Didactic-Scientific Centre (WNOZ), Szpitalna 37
15-295 Białystok
Number of turns: 1
Number of participants per turn: 30
Available hours:13:30-15:00
This workshop is available only in Polish.
Workshop description
Bezpestkowe (pl. “seedless”) is a project founded in 2018 that aims not only to actively support people with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome but also to raise awareness and educate the public. The name refers to the seed of a fruit and compares it to the uterus – stone fruit differs from seedless fruit only by having a seed, which after all does not define anything.
During the workshop, participants will learn what MRKH syndrome is, what problems patients with this syndrome face daily, and how to help them in medical practice.

Drug-drug interaction workshop - interapcje międzylekowe
Place: Faculty of Health Sciences Didactic-Scientific Centre (WNOZ), Szpitalna 37
15-295 Białystok
Number of turns: 1
Number of participants per turn: 30
Available hours:13:30-15:00
This workshop is available only in Polish.
Workshop description
What are drug-drug interactions? How to avoid them? How to effectively deal with the phenomenon of polypharmacy so often encountered in patients? You will learn the answers to all of these questions during our workshops!

Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy
Place: Branicki’s Palace; Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy, Kilińskiego 1, 15-295 Białystok
Number of turns: 1
Number of participants per turn: 34
Available hours:14:00-16:00
This workshop is available only in Polish.
Workshop description
What did the former pharmacy look like? How were the drugs prepared? Why was there a mirror in the eye doctor’s office? You will learn all this and more in the Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy. We cordially invite you!

Place: CBI – Center for Innovative Research
Number of turns: 1
Available hours: 10:00-13:00
Number of participants per turn: 30
This workshop is available only in Polish.
Workshop description
Take part in electrocardiography workshop where you will learn how to distinguish various acute coronary syndromes and cardiac dysrhythmias in ECG. This workshop will provide you with knowledge on how to interprete ECG records, what is an essential skill in your future medical career.
Workshops will be led by dr hab. n. med. Małgorzata Chlabicz!

Place: CSM – Centre of Medical Simulation, ul. Szpitalna 30
15-295 Białystok
Number of turns: 1
Number of participants per turn: 15
Available hours: 10:00-12:00
This workshop is available only in Polish.
Workshop description
During the echocardiography workshop you will learn how to distinguish all 50 (and more 😉 ) shades of the grey and see the heart, valves and bloodflow on the ultrasonograph screen. Number of participants is limited, therefore do not hesitate and sign up today.

Basic Life Support and Advanced Life Support
Place: Faculty of Health Sciences Didactic-Scientific Centre (WNOZ), Szpitalna 37
15-295 Białystok
Number of turns: 2 (one ENG and one PL)
Number of participants per turn: 12
Available hours:10-11:30
Workshop description
Dive into the world of medical simulation and learn how to cope with acute medical conditions during workshops held in the Center for Medical Simulation. The training aims to acquire the knowledge and skills of first aid in case of threat to life and health. We hope after these workshops Basic and Advanced life-saving procedures will not be hard anymore!

Peripheral vein cannulation workshop
Place: Faculty of Health Sciences Didactic-Scientific Centre (WNOZ), Szpitalna 37
15-295 Białystok
Number of turns: 2
Number of participants per turn: 6
Available hours: 11:00-12:00; 12:20-13:20
This workshop is available only in Polish.
Workshop description
The workshops are aimed to teach how to establish access to peripheral veins, and how to do it quickly, easily and without any obstacles. Sign in!

Airway clearance (intubation workshops)
Place: Faculty of Health Sciences Didactic-Scientific Centre (WNOZ), Szpitalna 37
15-295 Białystok
Number of turns: 2
Number of participants per turn: 6
Available hours:11:00-12:00; 12:20-13:20
This workshop is available only in Polish.
Workshop description
Fast and successful intubation is often the basis for securing the patient’s life and health. It is useful not only in the operating room but also in the ambulance or in the clinic. The number of places is limited, so do not hesitate to sign in!

Workshops - 'A conversation with a pediatric psychiatric patient'
Place: Faculty of Health Sciences Didactic-Scientific Centre (WNOZ), Szpitalna 37
15-295 Białystok
Number of turns: 1
Number of participants per turn: 12
Available hours:12:00-13:00
Workshops available only in Polish!
Workshop description
We know that talking to a psychiatric patient is not always the easiest thing to do. What if this patient is still a child? Come and see how to cope and interview the patient in any situation!

Haematology workshops
Place: Faculty of Health Sciences Didactic-Scientific Centre;
Szpitalna 37
15-295 Białystok
Number of turns: 1
Number of participants per turn: 15
Available hours: 11:00-12:30
This workshop is available only in Polish.
Workshop description
Dive with us into the morphology results. Find out how to differentiate anaemia and do you really need to send every anaemic patient to a haematologist? The classes will be led by Dr Piotr Halicki.
This workshop is avaliable only in polish.

Cardiology in Sport
Place: Faculty of Health Sciences Didactic-Scientific Centre;
Szpitalna 37
15-295 Białystok
Number of turns: 1
Number of participants per turn : 15
Available hours: 12:15-13:45
This workshop is available only in Polish.
Workshop description
How does love for sport affect the heart? Is sport always healthy? What anomalies in ECG and echocardiography can be found in people exercising professionally? These and other doubts will be dispelled by Dr Kinga Zujko – cardiology resident and triathlete.